Best Wakeboards for Intermediate Riders

Best Wakeboards for Intermediate Riders

So you’ve gotten pretty good on a wakeboard huh? No longer are the days that you struggle to pop up or ride in a straight line. You stand up just as many times as you say “Hit it!” The wake no longer looks like a ten foot tall, impenetrable mountain, now it’s starting...
Best GPS for PWC – Be in the know

Best GPS for PWC – Be in the know

When out on the water, odds are you probably want to know where you are going. Getting lost out on the water could certainly ruin an otherwise fun filled day. For this reason, you may find yourself wanting to invest in a GPS unit for your personal water craft (PWC)....
Best Mid Layer For Skiing – Layer up for warmth

Best Mid Layer For Skiing – Layer up for warmth

When heading out to the slopes this season, you want to be sure you’re dressed appropriately for the weather. There is nothing worse than getting onto the chair lift  only to discover that you have not properly dressed for conditions. You will want a great base...
Best Ski Resorts Near Tokyo

Best Ski Resorts Near Tokyo

There’s a lot of hype flying around these days in regard to the quality of the skiing in Japan, and for good reason. Japan is known internationally for its incredible snow. The snowfall there isn’t just amazingly light and powdery but also abundant and consistent. In...